Nissan LEAF Owner Turns 100,000 Gas-Free Commuting Miles
SEATTLE – Steve Marsh just watched his odometer hit 100,000 miles on his all-electric Nissan LEAF. He has had the car since May of 2011.
"I have saved over $9,000 driving my LEAF compared to my previous car that got 30 miles to the gallon. And I have not had to burn 3,000 gallons of gasoline," said Marsh.
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee congratulated Marsh at a specially scheduled press conference on his accomplishment and made him Washingtonian of the Day. The Governor also announced his plans to expand the state's electrical corridor to the east and west.
"It is great that Washington State, which has led the world in so many ways, is again leading the world," said Inslee.
Marsh drives his Nissan LEAF more than 60 miles each way to work at Taylor Shellfish. The long commute was his biggest motivation for trading in his gas-fueled car for an electric vehicle.
"It was simply to save money. I could see the operating costs were going to be less than a gasoline car," said Marsh.
Marsh worked with his employer to install a charger outside his office building. He says he enjoys driving the car so much that he is using it all the time, even on weekends. He and his family, including his Irish Wolfhound, love to get in and go for a spin.
"I am confident that Nissan's LEAF is a perfect commuter car for those that put serious miles on their car or just need to run around town," said Marsh.
Nissan's Director of electric vehicle marketing and sales strategy Erik Gottfried says there are now 40,000 Nissan LEAFs on roads across the United States. Marsh helped the company reach that sales milestone by word-of-mouth marketing for the Nissan LEAF. He said many of his coworkers have followed his lead and now are driving electric cars.
"There is room for a family. It is a perfect car," said Marsh.