1 Result
In Transit
Stock#: 693109
VIN: 1N4BL4CV6KN306579

Used 2019 Nissan Altima FWD 2.5 SR

2.5 SR 2.5 SR Sedan Sedan 4dr Car FWD 1-Speed CVT w/OD Regular Unleaded I-4 2.5 L/152
GrayGun Metallic Sport
83,424 Miles
Sale Price
Ext: Gun Metallic Int: Sport
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Used Nissan Inventory for Mossy Nissan El Cajon

All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Vehicle options and pricing are subject to change. MSRP does not include dealer or vendor installed upgrades, accessories, or added after-market items. Colors shown are the most accurate representations available. However, due to the limitations of web and monitor color display, we cannot guarantee that the colors depicted will exactly match the color of the car. Information provided is believed accurate, but all specifications, pricing, and availability must be confirmed in writing (directly) with the dealer to be binding. Sale Price cannot be combined with 0% APR. Neither the Dealer nor Fox Dealer Interactive is responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein and by using this application you the customer acknowledge the foregoing and accept such terms.

Used In-transit inventory have an estimated arrival window of 1st to 1st. Please call for more information on availability of inventory - many of these units are on the ground and available now!

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