Flats happen, so you need to be prepared to fix them. Be sure you have a spare tire, jack and know how to use them.
Check your oil! You need to know how to check your oil for engine safety and keep a schedule of your service appointments. Read your owners manual to see how frequently your vehicle requires an oil change to ensure longevity.
Tire pressure is vital. Not only is it dangerous to ride on over/under-inflated tires, it also minimizes gas mileage. Learn the PSI measurement for your vehicle and keep a gauge in your glovebox.
Windshield Wipers ensure visibility. Keep a jug of washer fluid in your garage and make sure your vehicle's fluid levels are maintained. Washer fluid can thaw ice in cold weather, remove debris and even cut down condensation on your windshield. Make sure to keep your blades fresh and remember to replace wipers before each rain season.
Catch a charge! Keep your battery clean of debris and in good condition. A good precaution is to always have jumper cables in your car and know how to use them.
Know when to Tow. If a vehicle breakdown occurs, pull over, remain calm, turn hazard lights on and call for a tow to your nearest auto repair mechanic.
Mossy Nissan services all makes and models. Schedule an appointment today (link this to: http://www.mossynissan.com/service-appointment.htm) or find out about our Collision Centers (link “collision centers” to: http://www.mossynissan.com/bodyshop/index.htm).
Reference: http://allwomenstalk.com/7-car-maintenance-things-a-girl-should-know-how-to-do