
San Diego Fall Car Care Tips

Mossy Nissan knows that having the best weather in America has its benefits. But now that fall is finally setting in, is your car ready for the change in seasons? Mossy Nissan wants you and your car to be safe, so we've made an important checklist that will have your car in good shape for San Diego fall weather, which can be very hot, very cool and sometimes very rainy. Having regular maintenance on your vehicle is, of course, highly recommended, but any change in seasons calls for extra-special attention to your tires, batteries, brakes and more!

  • Windshield wipers: In San Diego we don't get a whole lot of rain, but as we all know when it rains here, it really comes down hard! So this is the time to replace those old sun-baked blades with a fresh set.
  • Battery: Did you know that the extreme heat of summer months actually reduces battery life? Get your battery checked now instead of calling for a jump-start later!
  • Brakes: Regular maintenance is always important for brakes, but wet weather calls for extra attention to that area! Rain, plus worn brakes is a recipe for a fender bender or worse!
  • Belts & Hoses: Two of the most important overlooked areas of vehicle care are belts and hoses. Having them snap or leak can quickly leave you at a standstill on the road or even damage your engine. Inspect every belt and hose; be sure to check for thinning or cracking just in case!
  • Lights: During fall and winter, it gets darker earlier, so it's also important to check the head and tail lamps on your vehicle to make sure that you are highly visible to those around you.

You've obviously gone through this quick fall car care checklist, but those around you might still be in the dark on how to care for their vehicle! Do you have any other tips of your own for this oncoming winter season? Don't forget that at Mossy Nissan we are fully experienced on winter car care, so if you choose to service your Nissan with Mossy, be sure to check out our service specials. If you'd like to book an appointment with Mossy Nissan you can do that here!


San Diego Fall Car Care Tips - Mossy Nissan El Cajon

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