#1. DRIVE NOW, TEXT LATER! Texting is now the #1 cause of accidents and fatalities on the road - more than alcohol. Please keep your phone off when driving! The ticket will cost you a minimum of $159!
#2: PRACTICE! Find an empty parking lot and imagine a situation that you would have to react quickly in either swerving to one side or the other.
#3: DON'T OVERREACT! If you ever find yourself drifting out of your lane don't jerk the wheel. That could cause you to oversteer into another car ...or into oncoming traffic.
#4: HIT THE BRAKES! Many young drivers feel uneasy about slamming down on their brakes...but sometimes it is the only way to avoid an accident. Modern Anti Lock Brakes make a pulsing sensation you can feel thru the brake pedal, don't be afraid of it - that's means they're working!
>We have great new and used cars for teens and adults. Check out our New San Diego Nissans TODAY!
CREDIT: http://www.teendriving.com/